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bonding is the most versatile and effective way to aesthetically restore your smile. Composite materials are used to
replace old unattractive fillings, change the color of your teeth, or reshape and recontour a less than ideal smile.
Composite resin is a tooth-colored plastic mixture filled with glass. Most procedures take as little as 10 to 15 minutes per tooth, depending on how complicated your particular
treatment may be. At your actual bonding appointment, the dentist will use a mild acid to condition the surface of the
tooth so the composite will adhere to it. Next, the dentist applies several layers of the bonding material onto the
tooth, then uses a light source to set the material. The last step is shaping, smoothing, and polishing the surfaces.
Daily hygiene may require more detailed flossing to clean edges at the gum line. As with your natural teeth, cosmetically
bonded teeth may chip or stain. A bonded restoration should last 5 to 10 years or more before requiring a touch-up or
replacement. The procedure is painless and quick enough to be completed in one visit.